
Tuesday, December 09, 2008



Je suis trés content! Pour quoi? Suddenly I see... I see she's a beautiful girl. She dresses black and white and she laughs at any pretty and funny thing. Suddenly I see; Elle est trés content. C'est quoi importe! C'est tout et c'est tout de rien!
She's happy when the wind blows and the flowers grow. Quand je pleure et quand je souris...I can see he's a beautiful boy. What? Beautiful!? Oui. Much more than handsome. Suddenly I see... Why you mean so much to me. Je t'aime!


Estou muito feliz por meu namorado ter feito um blog também. E fiquei mais feliz ainda por ter ajudado em alguma coisa. Check it out!

tentando perceber o imperceptível

with love,



Anonymous said...

I thought I would need subtitle but it is so subtle with so much loveliness that it was not necessary. Thanks! Love you!

amor (da cabeça aos pés) said...

haaammmm :3